Finding Fun in February

Renate Hancock-author February fields

What’s the least favorite month of the year? February. No doubt. It’s definitely my least favorite. In fact I dislike it (with a fervor!) for several reasons, and they all fall under the F-word category,

Everything is Frozen, Flu season has settled in, my January resolutions seem Futile and spring is still Far off. 

How’s that? I could go further—I’m just getting started. 

But it seems wasteful to be fractious for a whole month, so this February, I am going to focus on some different F-words. Fun words. Or Ways to have Fun in February. Maybe that will defeat the F-words I mentioned earlier. 

So here goes.

Ten “Fun” (and Frugal)  things to do in February. 

Renate Hancock-author-cross country skis
  1. Fresh Feats: Strap on those skis, or ice skates, or snowshoes, grab your mittens and get outside. Forever the best thing for me to do. How about you? 

  2. Fantasy Frenzy: Too cold, too dark or too windy to go outside? Watch a great fantasy series like Star Wars or The Fellowship of the Ring

  3. Food and Friends:  Call some friends and have them over for a potluck and game night. Play an old favorite, or find something new. One thing we’ve learned in the last couple years—there’s no substitute for spending time together with people we care about. 

  4. Fashion or Fiasco?  Pull out an old photo album and check it out! Wow! Can you believe the fashions back then? Can you believe how young you look? Want to hear someone laugh? Show the pictures to your kids.

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5. Fabulous Finds: Go shopping. Bundle up and walk down main street. Explore your local stores. I bet you discover something totally unexpected. Want to make it even better? Take a friend with you.

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6. Feuds and fans: Tired of watching a screen? Want true entertainment? Put that mask back on, and go to a high school athletics event. Kids matter. And they’re inspiring. Cheer them on. Fervently.

7. Famous for Freedom: Celebrate President’s day and read something written by Abraham Lincoln. Search for his quotes online, or try the “Emancipation Proclamation” or listen to the “Gettysburg Address.So maybe this one isn’t a barrel of laughs. But it is a quick reality check when we start thinking our lives are hard, or that the current political polarization in our country is unprecedented. 

Renate Hancock-author-family game night

8. Family favorites: Gather your kids, your grandkids, or the neighbor’s kids and make some homemade cookies and hot chocolate together. Then play a game with them. Dominoes, or gin rummy. Poker, or Yahtzee, or Monopoly. Don’t cheat. And don’t lose on purpose, either. 

9. Feature Films: In honor of Valentine’s Day, watch one of the classic Hollywood romances with your sweetheart. Think Audrey Hepburn or Cary Grant. Casa Blanca, or Breakfast at Tiffany’s .

10. Focus on Flair: Go to your local hobby shop and treat yourself to a new craft. Or go to the fabric store, and pick out something bright and cheery. Then dive in and create something while you listen to the sound track of your favorite musical. You’ll be amazed at how therapeutic a hobby can be. 

Renate Hancock author-sun over the peak

Fine. I guess February can be fantastic if you find enough ways to have fun. I might find more before the month is finished. 

Have a different February favorite? List it below in the Comments section.

(Trips to Hawaii don’t count)


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