Literary Agent Information

For literary agents open to queries.

As a literary agent, you are bombarded with constant queries. Letters written with hopes and fears stuffed between the words on the page. And each one reads like a formula. Pretty soon, they all start to look the same.

 You can’t help it.

You want to respond to everyone, to take the time to reach out and appreciate people’s dreams. But that’s not realistic. And frankly, the queries that stick out from the crowd are the ones you’re interested in reading about further.

Wouldn’t you rather read stories than queries? The stories that those dreamers have written, hoping to be published? Of course you would. But you also want those dreamers to actually get published. You got into this industry because you knew you could help writers get to where they want to be. It’s tough to get published, and you want to be the one that gets that hidden gem out into the world.

So now you’re stuck sifting through queries, looking for a hint of sparkle.

I so understand. More than that, I want to thank you. Thank you for trying so hard for all the writers out there. The dreamers. The ones knowing that they’re destined for more. You believed in them. You gave them the chance. You’ve given them hope and guidance, and you’ve shared their writing. 

As a writer, I can say with confidence—that’s all we’ve ever wanted. 

To see our words in print. See our characters come alive in the imagination of our readers.

So thank you. From writers everywhere.

 Are you a literary agent taking submissions? Am I the new writer you’re looking for?

 As an agent, you’ve tried to define and advertise the kind of story you’re looking for, the kind of writing, the kind of author you want to work with. Isn’t it hard to find exactly the right words, though? Isn’t it just a feeling you’re looking for in someone’s writing? 

It’s like looking for a spark when you’re dating. You just know it when you feel it.

Well, if you’re feeling it from my writing—if you’re thinking that maybe, just maybe, you’ve found a hidden gem— reach out. It can’t hurt. We can go on a little agent-writer “date.” Maybe we just do drinks. Maybe we do dinner and dessert. It can’t hurt to see if something is there.


 I know what you’re thinking. “Wait a minute… aren’t you supposed to come to me?”

**whispers**—You’re right, I am!
I’m supposed to pitch you, not the other way around.
But what if I haven’t found you yet? What if I haven’t stumbled across your submission requests in all the hours of searching I’ve done?


And what if you haven’t found me? You are just now skimming through my website. Why not take the chance that I could be your next client?

All it takes is a simple request for me to submit my work to you.

You let me know you’re open to submissions, and I make the effort to reach out to you with my query letter according to your submission guidelines. It’s that easy!

It’s difficult to get a feel for the tone and style of an author’s writing merely by reading their website. Websites and stories are written differently. You’ll need to read the story, and not just a web page. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll find something you would like to share with the world.

Fill out this basic form, and I will submit a formal query in the manner you prefer.


Why would we be a good fit as writer and agent?

I’m looking for an agent who loves the power of the written word, understands the literary world, who is knowledgeable about the industry, and looking for new writers. 

I write women’s literature. I write about strength and fears. I write about courage and the emotions that help us overcome. I write about what makes us human. I write about connection.

So naturally, I want an agent who wants to read my work. I want an agent who dreams of being the link between the words I write and the hearts of people everywhere longing to sink into good stories.

My ideal agent would be:

  • Business savvy

  • A reader, but also an entrepreneur

  • Someone who matches my core values

  • Focused on women’s fiction

  • Open to romantic fiction

  • Looking for their ideal client

I am:

  • A skilled writer

  • Committed

  • Determined to make my dreams a reality

  • Passionate

  • Introspective

  • Open to input

And, to toot my own horn, I have a phenomenal work ethic.

Some might say this is an amateur way to find an agent. Well, yeah, maybe so. I'm committed to doing what it takes to step from amateur to professional. Even if it is a bit unconventional.

My queries are going out there. I'd like to get my stories out there, too.

If you need more info, reach out or read more about my story here.