Renate Hancock Author Typewriter

Hi, I’m Renate.

Writer, creator, dreamer.

I am a writer.


We all seek connection. We find it in the most unlikely places, in little moments, in glances and slight nods, a smile shared. In moments snagged and carefully pocketed as unexpected treasures reminding us we are not alone.

Sometimes, we find connection through stories. Stories of struggle, of heartache, of the very real pain that comes from trauma, of hope. We see our own experiences mirrored in the emotions and reactions of characters who have taken shape on printed pages.

Stories live and breathe and grow in our hearts and in our being. In those stories we find ourselves.

I write for the connection. I write for the characters digging their way out of my mind. I write for you. To inspire you, to empower you. To show you you’re not alone. To make you smile, and laugh, and add a little brightness. To give you connection

I write for the world because it told me to write. So I do.


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Writer’s Pen

A Bit About

We’ve all got our stories.
Read about mine here.

Fiction Writer

Tell Me Your

Are you a writer? A reader? The character of your own story? Tell me what makes you feel connected.